Monday, May 12, 2014

Day In Day Out - Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra - Day In Day Out

Day in - day out, that same old voodoo follows me about
That same old pounding in my heart, whenever i think of you

And baby i think of you, day in and day out
Day out, day in, i needn't tell you how my days begin

When i awake i get up with a tingle, one possibility in view
That possibility of maybe seeing you

*Come rain - come shine, i meet you and to me the day is fine
Then i kiss your lips, and the pounding becomes an ocean's roar, a thousand drums
Can't you see it's love, can there be any doubt when there it is, day in - day out*

Sheet Music

*It's also a song occasionally played on a Bloomberg TV Show :Surveillance

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